‘No Toys Allowed’ means just that! We have just opened our online store where we plan to bring you the latest and best street art from around the world.
Our latest print is a collaboration piece spearheaded by Keith Hopewell (SPzero) and friends. This fantastic print is a collaboration piece with 163 artists and has spread across 21 countries. The idea was to raise awareness to the masses on how easily a virus can spread and to demonstrate why it’s important to Stay Home.
All profit from the Spread Art Not ‘Rona’ prints will be donated to help fund the NHS.
We also have two skateboard decks for sale, with their artwork available in print form and a handful of stickers to pick from.
But please watch this space as we have a lot more to come!
If you are an artist that would like to have us help distribute your work, email hello@notoysallowed.shop